Hello, I'm Anna and I've probably been where you are now.
Here is my story...
Today I am a Yoga teacher and Mental Health and Happiness Coach.
But for many years prior, I struggled with my own mental health challenges while living a high flying life and international career in advertising.
When anxiety, depression or indeed mania struck; I white knuckled it. I didn't know any better; I didn't have the right tools, the right know how, the right support or frankly, the right amount of self empathy to effectively deal with the frighteningly dark and wild episodes of mental illness.
It was years before I was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder; the treatment for which in America left me over medicated, unable to hold down my job and at rock bottom.
It makes me quite emotional to think about just how ill I was and how ill equipped I was to manage myself well.
I suppose the good thing about rock bottom is that the only way is up!​
Little by little, I got to rebuild my life and work around what matters most - health and happiness.

Anna Rowe, MA Oxon,
200 RYT and Positive Psychology Coach
Instragram @happyheadyoga
At some point along the way, I made 3 non negotiable commitments...
Firstly, a commitment to love myself whole heartedly, no matter what, where I am and just as I am. Becoming my own best friend, coach, cheerleader and champion and forgiving myself fast was, and is, a huge factor in reclaiming my health and happiness. Helping people get to that kind of relationship with themselves is a big part of the work I do today. ​
Secondly, I made a non negotiable commitment to my yoga practice and physical wellbeing. My recovery and my full and wonderful life today is built on a bedrock of three physical fundamentals; if I'm sleeping, eating and exercising well and keeping my energy in balance mental and emotional well being flow easily. In fact, our physical health is so important that 85% of our mental health gains are dependent on how we are sleeping, eating and exercising and other easy to adjust lifestyle choices.
Lastly, I made a commitment to be a forever student and practitioner of what helps humans, not just survive, but really thrive in this one precious life. As such I have, and do, intensively study and practice the findings of positive psychology, the neuroscience of happiness and the guidance of many of world's greatest religions and schools of philosophy, including the philosophy of yoga, which centres on how to quieten the mind and connect with our innate inner peace, vitality and joy.
My passion is finding the common threads amongst the schools, the science and the spiritual on how we can live fully; happy and healthy in this both brutal and beautiful life.
My purpose is to share what I find in a way that's easy to remember and fun to practice both on and off a yoga mat.
After all, we don't practice yoga to get good at yoga, we practice yoga to get good at life.
Despite my susceptibility to mental health challenges, I can proudly say I have learnt to get good at life. My commitments, philosophies, practices and techniques have provided me with a tried and tested holistic mental health toolkit and life freeing frameworks to get me through anything. Since, they have even seen me through infertility treatment and Cancer.
Whatever you a going through, such philosophies, practices & tools can help you not just survive, but really thrive in life.
For many, it helps to be guided by someone whose been there.
If you are curious about exploring a holistic approach to managing your mental health well with me please:
Read my client testimonials here
See what classes and courses are coming up or
Be touch and let me know what you'd like help with: info@happyheadhealth.com
I look forward to supporting you towards your light, bright, beautiful and balanced best self.
Namaste, Anna​
The light within me sees the light within you. ​